Thursday, January 20, 2011


you know that one time when you walked into a room somewhere-anywhere and your nostrils were filled with the most heavenly smells that you swore your lil nose had ever smelt??? well... do you?? think about it...

it could have been a flower shop,
a perfume store,
a new house (you know... the new house smell??),
it could be the smell of your bathroom after your husband has just smothered it with your favorite cologne. does that ever happen to you?

well, i really love those smells, but my all time favorite smell is EVERY TIME i smell garlic and onions cookin in some butta! Hence the deranged blog title. it should actually be titled garlic, onions, & butter, it just didn't look right... i even like to sniff my fingers the next morning after i've just spent the night chopping away and cooking with garlic. disgusting! right? maybe to you... maybe odd? maybe a lil... but for me it's just SO good!

this here blog is placed to help me remember the goodies... (the good recipes that i some how manage to come up with in this teensy lil blonde brain of mine that just deserve to be written down). and i simply suck at writing anything down... you've probably seen my attempts and fails at trying to keep up on a blog... i even manage to blow at that, BUT every now and again i DO wined up writing a lil some'n some'n there.... SO here i am in hopes that i can keep track of some of those so called goodies.
we'll see...

for your own personal information: i'm NO chef, by any means... i shall attend culinary school someday soon. and i DO dream of opening my own quaint lil coffee, samich, soup, and salad joint, SOMEDAY.
also, im no writer... sorry, i should go to grammar school.. i know, so please bare with me if you're reading...
and gee golly, thanks a bunch for reading!


  1. I love it! I'm always looking for new recipes. Can't wait to see what's next!

  2. I am so happy you are doing this. I love it!
