Friday, January 21, 2011


There once was a time when i was just oh so petrified of trying blue cheese... that is a far away place tucked deeply in the back of my brain now, simply because, if i hadn't given my taste buddies the chance to experience such rotten goodness my life would have never changed so abruptly for the better!

here we have (in case you can't tell because of my ridiculously horrible photo shooting skills) a iceberg lettuce wedge topped with apples, bacon, and blue cheese crumbles... sweet potater wedges... and not my favorite bbq glazed chikum... so, I think we'll just focus on the good stuff!

Iceberg lettuce wedge
the stuff :
  • ice burg lettuce head
  • bacon
  • red onion
  • walnuts
  • blue chez
  • and that awesome ranch i mentioned in my last blogolicious ;)

the construction:

I'd start out by making that awesome dressing i mentioned in my last blog IF you don't already have it handy... it just tastes so much better if it's been sittin for at least a hour or 24! and then i'd work on my bacon bits! i chop my bacon into small pieces before cookin it up on the stove... it's just so much easier that way. next I'd chop up the iceberg lettuce-shmack the bottom of that sucker onto your counter top so that lil cork at the bottom comes out nicely, then chop into 4 pieces or however many pieces you think you'd like that head to feed. then, clear out any excess not so good looking lettuce and top your wedge with however much goodness your lil heart desires! and then enjoy!

now we come to the shweet potatoe wedgies... oh my gosh can i say delicious! thanks to Rachel Rae i will be makin these bad boys weekly! partially cuz they're so darn healthy for ya!

sweet potato wedges

the stuff:

  • sweet potatoes
  • olive oil
  • salt & pep

the construction:

preheat oven to 450 degrease, next peel those sweet taters, then, oil um up with just enough oil to cover the taters, apply salt & pepper to your hearts desires, get your hands dirty and mix all that flavory goodness together! then bake for about 20-30 min - depending on your oven i suppose.

eat um! love um!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Dear Judds, please don't shoot me...

they're just SO good!

my take on Judds bread sticks... the easy-peasy same tasting way. (at least to my mouth)

the stuff

  • Rhodes frozen uncooked rolls-10-20 depending on how many twist you'd like

  • Parmesan

  • 1 tbsp butter

  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/4 tsp seasoned salt

preheat oven to 350 degrease. defrost rolls in microwave for a minute or two-until they're soft to touch and dough like. melt butter. pat hands together with a lil flour and roll the rolls into long worm like pieces. (i spun mine around like a helicopter cause it was faster) after you've done this to each of the rolls, twist two worm like pieces together to form the bread twist form. place onto a ungreased or greased baking sheet. use a spoon or brush to spread melted butter over each of the bread twistz eyeball garlic and seasoned salt or measure it out and use your fingers to sprinkle upon the twist. dust on the parm. and cook! 10-15 minutes or until the parm is browned like me pic.

please do take into account that i am guesstimating on pretty much everything... I guess if I feel people are interested then I could probably start measuring everything out. I do feel I'm a pretty good guesstimator so don't worry too much if you decided to try a recipe out.

RAAAANCH! how ANYONE eats these without judds ranch is totally and completely beyond me! ya know those buttermilk ranch packets that you can buy at pretty much ANY major grocery store?? just snag one of those and READ the directions before exiting the store! (this chick left without the buttermilk once) yes, you do need buttermilk and mayo! it tastes nearly identical to their ranch!

yum num num!

i'm always trying to mimic my favorite restaurants recipes because we're poor! and i just love to eat out soooooooo much! so this is my way of eating out at home. i dunno... works for me!


you know that one time when you walked into a room somewhere-anywhere and your nostrils were filled with the most heavenly smells that you swore your lil nose had ever smelt??? well... do you?? think about it...

it could have been a flower shop,
a perfume store,
a new house (you know... the new house smell??),
it could be the smell of your bathroom after your husband has just smothered it with your favorite cologne. does that ever happen to you?

well, i really love those smells, but my all time favorite smell is EVERY TIME i smell garlic and onions cookin in some butta! Hence the deranged blog title. it should actually be titled garlic, onions, & butter, it just didn't look right... i even like to sniff my fingers the next morning after i've just spent the night chopping away and cooking with garlic. disgusting! right? maybe to you... maybe odd? maybe a lil... but for me it's just SO good!

this here blog is placed to help me remember the goodies... (the good recipes that i some how manage to come up with in this teensy lil blonde brain of mine that just deserve to be written down). and i simply suck at writing anything down... you've probably seen my attempts and fails at trying to keep up on a blog... i even manage to blow at that, BUT every now and again i DO wined up writing a lil some'n some'n there.... SO here i am in hopes that i can keep track of some of those so called goodies.
we'll see...

for your own personal information: i'm NO chef, by any means... i shall attend culinary school someday soon. and i DO dream of opening my own quaint lil coffee, samich, soup, and salad joint, SOMEDAY.
also, im no writer... sorry, i should go to grammar school.. i know, so please bare with me if you're reading...
and gee golly, thanks a bunch for reading!