the other night the hubs decided to take me out on that 3 months of build up but we decided to try a new sushi joint. I've had it before, but it was new to him. Osaka... their dressing is sweet and mustardy like... and it just didn't hit the spot.
so, today i decided to make my own. what a really, really good idea that was.
when i first tried this dressing i thought to myself, thousand island without the sweet relish. BUT there was that japaneseness that i just couldn't dismiss... I'm still not certain of the exact recipe and probably never will be..
but here's my take. for all you dressing loving fools.
i should name it easy peasy... well, because it's just that. one super de duper easy and delicious dressing.
what you'll be wantin
- 1 cup mayo
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/4 cup teryaki
- the juice of one lemon
this should make enough for a party of friends... or just you for a week! i chose the week. it's probably best if it sits for awhile, but i ate it right out the mixin bowl!
hint: mix well! if there is mayo clumps, keep mixin! i use a whisk.